Why Repurposing Content should be a priority in 2020 for your small business’s content strategy

Are you thinking of up-leveling your content strategy in 2020? If your goal is to be present on all platforms, repurposing content should be a priority. 

What is Content Repurposing?

Repurposing content means that you are using one main content piece (your blog, a live video, a podcast…) and turning into something else. 

Very often, we produce content in the way we feel most comfortable. Some of us feel comfortable writing which others do best on camera.

I still struggle with creating video content. My excuse: there is never silence in my small house with 3 kids for me to be able to sit down and do videos. I will be working on this during the coming year.

Why should you be Repurposing Content?

There are several reasons why you should be repurposing your content. 

For SEO Purposes

If you like doing live videos or podcasts, but hate writing on your blog, your ideal client will have a hard time finding your material on google search. Written text can be keyworded and optimized to be found on Google so get writing!!

Your Content Needs to be on all platforms

Another reason is for you to reach as many people as possible. If you create a Video on Youtube with super Valuable content how will your Instagram followers know about it? Your content needs to be EVERYWHERE!

Create content for your audience not for yourself

As mentioned before, we all have our own favorite way of producing content. But we need to realize that we are producing content for our audience not for ourselves. People consume content in different ways. 

Some love to binge-watch Youtube videos, others listen to podcast episodes while they are at the gym, while others prefer reading! It is important for us to step out of our comfort zone and put our audience first when it comes to content creation

What are some ways you can repurpose your content?

Here are some practical ways to repurpose your content

1. Repurpose your Blog Post into a Newsletter. 

Whether you want to copy and paste your blog post or use a snippet of your blog post and have readers click through to your website, just go for it! 

2. Write a blog post and turn it into a Facebook live.

If your followers consume video content – give it to them. Do a Facebook live mentioning the main points tackled in the blog post then download it and put that video on Youtube!

3. Turn the Blog Post into Social Media Posts

Grab bite-size pieces of your blog and post it on Social Media and change up the graphics. You can get a whole week of scheduled value-packed posts from just one blog post.

4. Reuse Old Posts

I highly recommend creating a library of posts so that you can go back and repost them. If the content you posted a year ago still applies today, why not post it again. Most people won’t notice and if they do…maybe they needed the reminder, if not they will just scroll by! No Biggy! 

Here are 10 More Ways you can Repurpose your Content

Do you need help creating a Content Repurposing System? Do you want to outsource this aspect of your business? I can help you with both of these! Let’s talk!

You can have a look at my Content Repurposing services here.

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